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Once upon a time, in a realm filled with endless tasks and ever-growing projects, I embarked on a quest to find the perfect tool to help me write scripts — from the simplest commands to more intricate operations. After a long journey, I am delighted to share that I have finally found a solution that meets my needs. Join me on this adventure as I recount my journey and the discoveries I made along the way!
In the beginning, I found myself in need of writing scripts for a variety of tasks. Some scripts were as simple as a few lines, while others grew into more complex challenges. As a warrior who wielded Golang as my primary weapon, I needed a companion that could help me handle various ad-hoc tasks more easily.
At first, I turned to Bash and Makefile, but over time, I grew dissatisfied with them (I’ll explain why in the “What I tried” section). So, I began wandering the vast lands of the inter-web, gathering my needs like precious gems. Here is the list of treasures I sought:
These additional features were like enchanted artifacts — not required, but certainly welcome:
This has been a long journey and I am pretty happy with the outcome. Please follow me on this adventure and let me tell you how I found an optimal solution (at least for my needs).
Ah, the trusty old Bash and Makefile — the default choice for many a brave adventurer embarking on a new project. But as I mentioned before, I soon grew dissatisfied with this path. Writing Bash scripts is no simple feat; it's riddled with traps and challenges. Handling strings is a true test of patience, and don’t even get me started on managing arrays or maps!
When it comes to cross-platform compatibility, things get even trickier. You have to rely heavily on gnu-coreutils
, which isn't even standard on MacOS. Supporting these scripts across different realms becomes an uphill battle. I quickly realized that this wasn’t the path to the enchanted solution I sought.